Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cleanin' Up After You're Done!

I realised I could be forgetful at times, horribly forgetful, at that. I came to WeirdnessGalore twice today, now, and I was listless at what exactly to write, because I loathe not blogging. And then, *poof!* I realise I have a piece I had thought about writing yesterday. And that is about the awesome, butt-back-limbs-whatever-exercising job I did yesterday. 

The Kurl-On mattress is getting a bit old, and we're getting a new one next month; so I thought we better keep what we have in a good condition, and so, I decided to turn the mattress over. AND to my horror, there was a lot (read hellalot) of dust accumulated deep, deep (Alterspeak- Deep down what now? Nothingness? :s ) uh, just deep, or behind. Whatever. So, I took all the linens and furniture (most of it) to the hall and let them be there for until when I get my room to how an INFJ's room is supposed to be    spic-and-span. And so, I pulled the heavy wooden bed (Alterspeak- Sadly, for you, beds don't come in plastic. :L) to the centre of the room and got all the dust under it into my vacuum-cleaner.

No, I can sweep too. But the dust was fluffier than my broom could ever get. And no, my brooms don't get fluffy. And then, I brought a bucket to the room mopped the floor clean (the good ol' way) and re-arranged. 

And lo! Oh freak! My room looks the same as before. :O

But just, just to satisfy myself, I might as well bend down a little and look at the nice empty space *ahem* deep down under the bed I've made.

And Sharvari did not help me. But it was fun. 

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