Sunday, April 17, 2011

Loving What You Love

Blossom, commander and the leader,
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter,
Buttercup, she is the toughest fighter.

Which was is your favourite animation series? Mine was The Powerpuff Girls, and was because they don't air it anymore. Losers. Anyway, why I liked it is something I still don't know. And wouldn't want to. But I like it because it's hip, and fun, and liking it is so stereotype-bashing.

Well, since I've begun getting that itch about stereotyping, why are guy babies gifted bikes and cars always and girl babies given dolls and doll-houses? And it would be steep hypocrisy on the part of the West to say it's typically Indian (or safely, Third World) that that happens. Well, we Third World people (at least Indians) never categorised pink as girlish and blue as boyish even though we had, and we still have a million other restricting stereotypes. Like the kitchen being a NO GUY zone. And people pull a face when a girl's into cricket.

Just thought about a very complementing idea. Liz's  Pizu's Pizz's (and I advise you all to read it as Pizz's Pizu's Liz's) first post on the Groupies blog. Like, *ahem ahem* some great person *ahem ahem again* said, when you are born an original, why would you want to die a copy? If we all went by what the world wants us to go by, we wouldn't be humans. If the first person (not necessarily a man like our 3rd standard history text goes) hadn't thought of going against the current and making a wheel, it wouldn't be all the same today. Obviously, not all people in the Stone Age thought of wheels at once. Imagine. We would be going on square wheels today. 

Ouch, that hurts.

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