Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, 'like dad, like son' they say. I would prefer 'like parent, unlike child'. 
*ahem ahem* It's, for now, 'like Sharvari aai, like Jai baba'.

Amazingly, differences form the basis for similarities. For we find similarities, only because differences exist, too.

And I take the liberty (of course, after attributing the first line to Sharvari) to begin with the now clichéed sentence.

Birthdays and I have a weird relation.

Birthdays. They tell you you must act your age. They tell you you went around the sun as many times as you have had days when people wish you a happy birthday. They tell you how you must rejoice Creation if you are to mourn Destruction. Well, they tell me much more.

I shall call my birthdays, days of excess, if I may. 

However, I celebrate birthdays, considering I have my 'celebratory' rights intact. That said, it is like the tank that is about to overflow overflows after it can hold no more. Birthdays, to me, officially, are a splurge-friendly day. I can get what I want on that day. Like, this time, I got an electronic tanpura. It is like being what I am not, the other 364/365 days. For which, I have to think before I spend each Rs. 20 note in my wallet. Like, "Couldn't I skip it? Skipping it isn't worth a tanpura?"

On the other hand, I prefer to call it a day of excess, because I am conditioned in a way that I must have something new that day, go to a good clothing store, and get decked up that one day. Never realised why. Like, even if I choose laziness to be my way to spend my day, it doesn't have to be really fulfilled. Birthdays are supposed to be joyous, awesome, and enthusiastic. Officially.

That, to me, is birthdays.

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