Saturday, April 16, 2011

And The Beginning Gets Weirder

*tapak tapak takpa kapat*

And that, folks, was my keyboard. Uh, well, not opening, but typing. I don't have a mental pen, but nor do I have a keyboard. And when I write, I literally throw out words. Well, then, what brings a mental-pen-wielding-Chewy-writing typing Sharvari and an instinctive raw-words-spewing-format-manic Jai to write something as weird as; (pardon my limited imagination today); uh, weirdness.

To begin with : feminism, environmental conservation, individualism and/or individuality (and no, they are not exactly the same) , complex theoretical issues, enigmatic and curiosity-inspiring lives   almost all coming to one word. Different. Fr. Terry told us once, that there is no such thing as weirdness. It is differentness. Like Terry's accented Hindi. I called it funny. He called my accented English funny (which I think will get better in time), and then told me that things may be funny to one and not necessarily to another. But different, they are.

Like è and ë are similar-sounding, but not the same. They are different. Like each person has his her their own fingerprint and tongueprint.

And this blog stands for the right of an individual to what is theirs; for the right of an individual to question as to why it can't be tongueprint if it can be fingerprint; for the right of an individual to find everything in what they profess; for the right of an individual in realising that everything, as it boils down to that something, boils down, actually, to nothing. That Everythingness could be, and usually is, Nothingness. 

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