Friday, June 3, 2011

Shrink Training

I feel awesome because for once I'm not blogging from my ghisa-pita home PC or my mom's same old laptop. No, I'm in Pune and I have Internet access here. So, I need not rely on Jai baba to bore the life out of you. I can do it myself.

I have been giving free advice to my friends (when they ask for it, I'm not narcissistic enough to do it otherwise). Advice that works. Jai baba would call it 'shrink training'. I took the privilege of calling it that already. I'm gonna be a good shrink.

Pune's great. It rained a lot on the Expressway. It was the first time that I ever saw lightning actually split the sky in two. Our cab had some technical difficulties but we got where we wanted to safe and sound, owing to my generous luck drawer.

I'm trying to be witty these days. I can't manage it right now because I haven't had enough sleep. Like most things I try, this too works. I stupefied a friend of mine, though I shouldn't consider it an achievement since anyone with a brain can stupefy her.

I'm going to go now. Ta-ta! Have fun with Jai baba.

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