Saturday, July 30, 2011


While I must admit that my blogging has become less frequent these days, I am still a part of many interesting things that happen. Yesterday, a very interesting thing happened to me. Well, I've realised that perhaps some things are just meant to be the way they are. :D

Well, if you don't think so, tell me, how often do you realise that you are, in some way, related to someone you met months ago, that too for a day   you know their first name, and how they look, but nothing else?

That is what happened to me yesterday. I met a friend I recently befriended. And turns out we had around three common friends. And *surprise surprise* a common stranger-friend (friend to him, stranger-friend to me). Once, I met this guy near Kanjurmarg station and we shared an auto to IIT-Powai. We walked all the distance from one gate to the next, and he told me his first name and where he basically was from. Then, we never met each other as he was a student and had to pass through a regular gate, while I had to pass through a visitors' gate. And I couldn't even thank him for having led the way. I'd otherwise be lost. :P (Quite frankly, true, since I've found myself at sea near various 'circles' in various places, even in my hometown, Dombivli).

And many times after that day, I have wanted to thank that person, but all in vain, since I did not even know his last name lest Facebook should be of help.

And yesterday I realise that that nice stranger is friend to one of my friends. (My friend mentioned the guy's first name and said he was from IIT-Powai and in the second year. I know it could be some other person, but it takes very little to make me believe that some things, however stupid they may sound, are possible). I can do what flitted past many times through my subconscious. I can finally thank that person. :)

The question is, how much cooler does Fate have to show itself as, so as to make people believe in It? :P

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Good Place

There are good places, and there are bad places. They can be anywhere. They can be houses, parks, roads and buildings. Nothing good ever seems to happen in the bad places - they are full of negative vibes, like an accident-prone area. The good places don't actually make you feel good, or fulfilled, or anything of that sort. They help you deal with life's problems, come to terms with yourself, or just leave you with a full head and a smile. You may chance upon them, or they may invite you in. But once you go, you can't help doing so over and over.

I went to a good place today.

It's called Sky Café. It's the neglected, forlorn restaurant opposite Sterling Cinemas that no one seems to want to visit. In one of my spontaneous moments, I asked a friend if we could 'check out' the food. It was raining cats and dogs, it was four in the afternoon and I was going to miss my 4.16 Thane train. But I didn't care.

In the one and a half hour I spent with my friend there (unlimited coffee for ₹55), I confronted feelings I had been repressing for the past month - the bottled-up emotions that had led to my recent illness. My friend is the type of person you can have heart-to-heart conversations with. Her, along with the soft golden light, the white umbrellas and the sweetly polite staff made my day. I felt like I was going to burst into tears when I got out of there. I had just explored all my unexpressed emotions.

I will go there over and over. Because, it is a good place. A place for the spirit. A place where you don't need chicken soup to heal your soul.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

That Thought Whereby Jai *Lives*

You may imagine where I come from (and those of you who don't, are deemed beastly henceforth). I come from a land where cakes go burnt, and where your co-bloggers tell you they don't have time to blog, and that you must blog 'NOW'. *smiley-face* (I don't have to be pushed to write always, do I.)

And so, I have read in the newspapers been told that the First Year Junior College admissions are just happening any moment. That means we get to see what we saw last year, only from a newer, senior perspective. Anyway, so, all this while (not all this while, but some while, yes) I have been thinking, I am not getting a boyfriend. And so, I need to do something. And do something could include make-believe stuff.

And that was, has been and is, till today. What I have made myself believe now, though, is that there could be a Prince Charming in the coming-up FYJC batch. What, he can be younger, okay? That is one of the many thoughts whereby I live.

Anyway, Sharvari hugged me thrice on the same day, and I just made my own Great Book of Google Searches Among Other To-Do Lists.

The best part, Sparrowhi realised I am a freak too. Earlier, she used to tell that Sharvari was a freak, to me, and now she says they are all surrounded by two freaks. I wonder how fat we both will have to get for that.  Ciao! :)