Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Laus Deo

To anyone who has read The Lost Symbol, this phrase makes perfect sense. Praise God. Why, you would ask, am I talking about God here when Jai baba has pronounced himself 'generally ignostic'? Well, Jai baba's 'a little Deist philosophy' might be a scrap off my Theism.

Simply put, I believe in God. Why I praise God, is because God is a genius. A thought occurred to me today, as thought often do on long walks. The complexity of the Universe as we see it, the amount of webs in it, the tangle of one life - yours, mine, Person X's - could be created only by a God-force. The human mind, though capable of enormous powers perhaps as yet unknown, struggles to create even a single variable - a single sentence, a single note of music - fearing retribution, risking failure. Then God, who is of course superhuman, is truly praiseworthy to be able to set out this complex web of Fate, Destiny and countless living creatures with minds of their own.

How did God accomplish Creation? Where did God come from? Who is God? Or as Jai would ask, what is God?

I am not here to seek those answers. Perhaps I am not yet ready. I have learned a few lessons before these sixteen years of my life - I have mastered the vices of Hatred and Murder. How I know this, I do not know. But I do know I have mastered them, for I seem to have carried those virtues with me in this life. And I am sure, I am close to meeting with the greatest soul, the Paramatma, the Parabrahman, the Great Architect of the Universe. Until then, I must learn to look out and marvel.

Truly, Laus Deo. Praise God.

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